
There Are More Slaves Today Than At Any Point In Human History

More Slaves Today Than Ever Before In History

You would assume that - as messed up as things may be today - at least there is not widespread slavery, as in ancient Egypt or the American south.

But as Time Magazine noted last year:

Despite more than a dozen international conventions banning slavery in the past 150 years, there are more slaves today than at any point in human history. Slaves are those forced to perform services for no pay beyond subsistence and for the profit of others who hold them through fraud and violence. While most are held in debt bondage in the poorest regions of South Asia, some are trafficked in the midst of thriving development.
To help fight slavery, read this and - more importantly - get involved here.

And given that there are some who would like to put all of us in debt peonage, we should stand up for freedom and justice whenever and wherever we can.

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